Monday, September 04, 2006

Be courteous

Be courteous

For me, a simple way to show respect to others is by patiently waiting in line. But if you are in Singapore and you dont want to wait for a taxi, you can just call-a-cab. You have to pay $2.40 ($4.00 if peak hours) for that.


Anonymous said...


Sadly the price has increased. It has been $2.50 starting price since a few weeks already...

Anonymous said...

2.50 US dollars or Sing dollars?? If USD that's a hefty price for a cab!

kaa said...

this place looks familiar but can't seem to remember the name.. where was this taken? 4.00SGD even before gettin in the cab.. it's a lot.. every year the transport expenses are getting more..

twistedzero said...

I will only take a cab if my company will pay for it, otherwise I prefer public transport.

This was taken near Lau Pa Sat.