It is the Merlion, probably the most known symbol of Singapore.
They say this is a must do for a tourist in Singapore to visit the Merlion, although when my wife went to singapore last February, she was not able to visit Merlion Park. It was based on a legend that a Sumatran prince encountered a lion - considered a good omen - on Temasek, prompting him to find Singapura, or Lion City. It mattered little that lions had never inhabited Singapore (more likely the prince had seen a tiger). I wish I could tell you exactly how to get to Merlion Park, but you might get lost as we almost did yesterday. I suggest you take a cab.
Source : http://lorkers.members.beeb.net/Singapore/index.htm
Hi there, after having just updated all new dp links i came across Singapore too! Welcome from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, looking forward to your pictures!
Finally, Singapore has joined the DP family! Welcome! Can't wait to see your views of a city that I visit quite a bit. Coming down in two weeks actually.
KL Daily Photo
But I'm also new in Singapore. I'm actually exploring at the same time blogging about the city. Thanks!
I love this part of Singapore. I live in Dallas and publish the Dallas Daily blog but I work for Singapore Telecom so I make it over there quite often. Welcome and keep up the good work.
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